Author: Cindy Vigne

Exposing Rebranded and Nullified WordPress Plugins: Beware of Software Scammers

Exposing Rebranded and Nullified WordPress Plugins: Beware of Software Scammers

In a world where artificial intelligence is the buzzword and companies are racing to release their best software, an unfortunate trend is emerging: scammers are taking advantage by rebranding others’ work and selling it at inflated prices. This unethical behavior is damaging the ecosystem of software development. One such scammer, who has mastered the art…

Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins

Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, vigilance is paramount. Recently, a series of critical vulnerabilities have been identified in various WordPress plugins, which could potentially compromise the security of numerous websites. These vulnerabilities are severe enough to warrant immediate attention and action from website administrators and users alike. Exploitable Flaws and Their Implications Mitigation and…